DISCLAIMER: Yeah, the SG-1 guys are all property of MGM, World Gekko Corp, and Double Secret productions. This is all in fun, no infringement on copyrights or trademarks was intended. All other characters, ideas, etc., herein are copyrighted to the author. TITLE: CAGED AUTHOR: Rowan Darkstar EMAIL: rowan_d1@yahoo.com WEBSITE: beautyinshadows.net RATING: Teen CATEGORIES: Angst, hints of Sam/Jack, Daniel POV SUMMARY: "He's always been a little afraid of Sam Carter." Written for the GateShip Wednesday Shorts "Wormhole X-treme" Challenge 230 words CAGED by Rowan Darkstar (rowan_d1@yahoo.com) Copyright (c) 2005 He's always been a little afraid of her. But this...this is different. She came back a little wild. A little scared. He knows a week of captivity and near death would leave anyone shaky. Her color is pale in the brilliant sunlight and she's edging toward distraught when she has to tell Jack they lost "Steve". She thinks she failed something in the recent past and she's trying to prove herself. It's all in her head, but that doesn't make it less real. He knows the moment the unsuspecting NID agent is left behind that the man is no match for Sam Carter. Her cool rationalism slips when Jack's in trouble. She will deny it to her dying breath, but he has watched her set the self- destruct on the rest of them like she was refilling the coffee filters. And he has watched her yell at superior officers and type with trembling fingers when Jack was trapped offworld. Today is something more. Her elbow slams into the agent's face and her heel hits his groin and together Daniel and Sam tie the man to the chair. There is nothing extraordinary in their actions. Jack would unofficially order the same. But something in her viciousness scares him a little. And makes him want to hold her hand. Or maybe just hold her. He's always been a little afraid of Sam Carter. ***** rowan_d1@yahoo.com