DISCLAIMER: Yeah, the SG-1 guys are all property of MGM, World Gekko Corp and Double Secret productions. This is all in fun, no infringement on copyrights or trademarks was intended. All other characters, ideas, etc., herein are copyrighted to the author. TITLE: Contact AUTHOR: Rowan Darkstar EMAIL: RowanD1@earthlink.net RATING: (R) - for Jack language:) ARCHIVE: SJD yes. All others fine, just let me know, please. CATEGORIES: Jack/Teal'c friendship, a tiny bit of Sam/Jack UST (because I'm incapable of penning anything without it) SPOILERS: Through "Lost City pt. 2" STATUS: Complete SUMMARY: Jack's thoughts when Teal'c came to speak to him alone in "Lost City 2". This one is for Siggy. She made me do it.:) CONTACT by Rowan Darkstar (RowanD1@earthlink.net) Copyright (c) 2004 Hunkered on the floor, wires and circuits and a Rube Goldberg of power sources and alien lights around him; Jack O'Neill felt more like Sam Carter than he did like Jack. He didn't understand anything he was doing, anything he was creating. But his certainty never wavered. He wished Sam could explain it to him. *"Imagine the galaxy is an apple. We burrow our way through the apple like a worm, crossing from one side to the other instead of going around the outside...."* He kept turning around expecting her to be there, a step behind him, with big words and soft tones that made the chaos take a recognizable shape. But Sam couldn't pull him out this time. Even she was lost. In the blurry shadows of Jack's life, hovering at the edges of his mind, he saw the approach of Teal'c. The deep voice broke through the clutter for a moment. "Are you preparing a weapon for battle, O'Neill?" **P835649dampenthemagnetismtoregulatetheenergystores894FT846** Teal'c said something. Teal'c...said....something... "Sensors have detected an armada of Goa'uld ships in orbit around Earth." **98737654stripthewiresswitchthepolarity82543658** "Can you understand anything that I am saying, O'Neill?" Jack heard the softening of his friend's voice. He heard that. Understood, *felt* the meaning more than he comprehended the words. But he could only pause for a moment, only quiet the voices for a few breaths. **exchangethecrystalsblueforred387942displacementofions92CF43** Teal'c's shadow lowered beside him. "O'Neill, I wish for you to know..." Words. Real words that made sense. And Jack was still building, but he was aware and he was watching this alien man beside him who was his friend in the truest sense, struggling to express emotions he had been taught not to feel. This man of honor and independence and strength, who had once looked to Jack O'Neill for guidance in a life so alien Teal'c could never have anticipated it. Jack had had no concept of how to relate to him, then. He had gone on pure instinct in bringing this stranger home and pulling him into the only life Jack knew. And somewhere along the way the oddest and deepest of friendships had formed. Jack felt the struggle raging in the powerful muscles beside him. And in an instant he could hear everything those thick lips meant to express, but Jack couldn't hold onto English anymore. Could barely process what he heard, let alone form anything eloquent of his own volition-- **93478652subspacedrive389765crosstopowersource8783656intermolecu larvolition** Jack grasped tight to a flash of O'Neill and shut up the fucking alien voices that were meant to save them all, and he reached out his hand to touch an old friend's face. Skin. Warm. Contact. He gripped Teal'c's shoulder. Real contact for a moment, and it tore his gut that it could very well be the last in his human life. But true friendship was a pretty good last thing to feel. Teal'c nodded, and Jack snatched at the fleeting connection that was slipping away in the wind. His team was strong. Daniel would lose himself in the scope of time and history and go on being Daniel as he did through every tragedy that befell him. Sam would go home and cry for days and push Pete away until she finally let him in and slowly reconstructed her life and went on to make Jack's death mean something. One more shadow beneath her brilliant blue eyes. And Teal'c...Teal'c had learned all he needed to know about being a free-willed soul in this universe. He would venture forth bravely into this wild life he had chosen. He would carry on the cause. And Jack held tight to these beliefs as the alien words rushed him again, and his hand broke free of the warm skin beside him and met once again with cold cable and tried to remember **982736546CRFUL3873765** what it felt like **98OIJDH6576565alternatecurrenttotemperelements87698767** to lie in the grass on P3X-249 **0983876253** after eating those intoxicating leaves and laugh himself into tears with Daniel and Teal'c and his shoulder against Sam's-- --**453647conduitthroughrecombinationofions**-- --Teal'c was gone. ***** RowanD1@earthlink.net