Comfort in Sound -- "She can't stop the shivers that have little to do with the cold."
GateShip Wednesday Shorts 'Urgo' challenge fic Text File
Drabble: Too Much -- "All Jolinar. Not enough Samantha."--Pre-FEMSLASH-- Text File
~~Winner Best Drabble, Character Focussed: Other - Stargate Fan Awards 2005~~
Shattered -- "Brilliant blue eyes in the dimness and a million brilliant thoughts behind.
Dimples and laughter, and a crack shot under pressure, and the kindest smile
she had ever known, and every inch of her body radiating heat and the
scent of Sam Carter." --FEMSLASH-- Text File
~~Winner Best Angst Story, Relationship: Sam/Janet - Stargate Fan Awards 2005~~
Copyright (c) 2006 Rowan Darkstar