Planetary Shifts 1: Watching -- "She has picked at her dinner while Pete downed a burger.
Pete is watching her, too. Jack sees it. And that is some kind of comfort.
And some kind of pain." Text File
Planetary Shifts 2: Listening -- "It had always been strange to see her like this. It had always
been lovely and tantalizing and sweet to see her like this. Tonight, it was
beautiful. And painful. And nothing made sense anymore." Text File
Planetary Shifts 3: Hearing -- "This visceral magnetism and constant in his life was something
he had never attempted to understand. It simply existed." Text File
Planetary Shifts 4: Touching -- "Her hair was golden in the streaks of sunlight and
her nails were polished and she was still calling him 'sir', but she had been crying on
his neck two days ago, and this Carter scared the bejesus out of him." Text File