DISCLAIMER: Yeah, the SG-1 guys are all property of MGM, World Gekko Corp, and Double Secret productions. This is all in fun, no infringement on copyrights or trademarks was intended. All other characters, ideas, etc., herein are copyrighted to the author. TITLE: SMALL GRACES: TEAL'C AUTHOR: Rowan Darkstar EMAIL: rowan_d1@yahoo.com WEBSITE: http://rowan_d.tripod.com RATING: 17+ ARCHIVE: All archives fine as long as you let me know. CATEGORIES: Angst, Sam/Jack UST, team friendship SPOILERS: Through early season 7 WARNINGS: Descriptions of torture, references to rape. SUMMARY: "He has grown accustomed to weathering his own suffering. He has never grown accustomed to watching his friends suffer the same." AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a companion piece to the first in the series ("Small Graces: Daniel"). In some senses it is a 'prequel', so might be read without the first, but I do recommend you read them in order to get the intended effect.:) Devoted thanks to my betas who had to suffer through two entire drafts of this one and did so with admirable patience and enthusiasm: Teddy E, annaK, and Strix. Extra special thanks to Strix who wrestled me to the ground like the good Viking Chick she is, sat on me, and twisted my arm behind my back until I shouted "Uncle!" and rewrote the damn thing the way I should have written it in the first place. "Small Graces: Teal'c" by Rowan Darkstar (rowan_d1@yahoo.com) Copyright (c) 2005 He has endured many days of torture in his life. He has administered many days of torture in his life. He has learned the ways of his mind, the patterns he must follow, the careful disciplines that will ease the pain. He has grown accustomed to weathering his own suffering. He has never grown accustomed to watching his friends suffer the same. Teal'c wakes to the sound of Daniel Jackson screeching in pain. Each member of SG-1 was hit with a staff blast when they were ambushed near the Gate. Not enough to kill. Each shot was carefully aimed to disable. Teal'c recalls his own training and recognizes it in action. But this gut-tearing cry is not from any wound by staff blast. This is something other. Teal'c knows the sound of a tortured soul as well as he knows the voice of his son. The Jaffa opens his eyes to a pebbled grey and grime-ridden floor. He pushes onto his hands and knees, crouching like a predator gathering for attack; and he takes in his surroundings with the speed of a warrior. The wall behind and to his right is of the same dirty stone as the floor. To his left and ahead, the sickly yellow light flickers through rusted metal bars too thick for even his strong hands to bend. Beside him, O'Neill is stirring to alertness. The wound on O'Neill's leg is dark with dried blood, but the flow has stopped. The injury is superficial. O'Neill swipes a hand across his eyes, feels instinctively for his absent weapons, and cries out in pain as he tries to move his stiff leg too quickly and launch himself to a sitting position. "My weapons are gone as well, O'Neill," Teal'c offers, voice low and quiet. O'Neill glances toward him, and his gaze is unfocused and disoriented. A few feet beyond O'Neill, Major Carter is dragging up from the floor, her yellow hair a flash of color amid the soiled greys and browns and greens. The leg of her uniform is torn and ragged where the staff blast scorched her thigh. "Oh, Christ, Daniel..." O'Neill is the first to push forward, pressing close to the iron-like bars on useless instinct. Teal'c does not move. He can be of no more help to their friend on one side of the cell than the other. His Jaffa training has taught him to resist such emotional impulses. Strategic thought patterns are better served by distance. On the far side of the open chamber, beyond their cell, Daniel Jackson is bound at the wrists and ankles to a vertical board. Around him stand three Jaffa. These are in different dress than the guards who ambushed SG-1 at the gate. Teal'c suspects these Jaffa hold specialized positions; they would be the torture experts. Teal'c wishes he had never worn this uniform on his own skin. He has learned many years ago of the futility of guilt. Calm use of his knowledge and decisive forward action are all that is justified. Yet there remains the split second, when he feels the pain before he rises above. Teal'c's watchful gaze soaks up more of their surroundings. On the side wall, a massive iron-like door appears to be the only entrance or exit from the chamber. There are no windows, only torches mounted upon the walls. Daniel Jackson has been hit with some variation on the pain stick. He is now breathless and limp on his chains. O'Neill is gripping the bars with white knuckles, and Major Carter has made her way to O'Neill's side, her posture mimicking her commander's. "*What do you want?* We haven't done anything!" O'Neill shouts. The torturers ignore his cries, but a fourth Jaffa in the original armor steps from beside their cell and snaps the length of his staff weapon across the bars before O'Neill and Major Carter can yank their fingers away. Teal'c steps near, but there is nothing he can do to help. "Silence," the Jaffa orders against their muted hisses of pain. "Where are you from?" the tallest of the interrogators demands of Daniel Jackson, his tone cool and resounding. Daniel's reply speaks of a phrase repeated too many times. "I am from a planet called Earth, far far from this place. We are peaceful...explorers..." "You carry weapons." Daniel opens his eyes for a moment, and Teal'c sees the flame of indignation. This flash of life gives him both hope and fear. "To defend ourselves against people like you!" Daniel Jackson says. He is hit in the ribcage with a heavy club. "Oh, God..." Major Carter's voice is a bare whisper and Teal'c reaches out and touches her back. They watch their friend. There is something in the protection of Daniel Jackson that has long connected Teal'c to Major Carter. In their first months as a team, Daniel Jackson was the most physically vulnerable among them. Teal'c was the strongest defender of the team, and O'Neill regularly assigned Major Carter to the role of guide and caretaker to Daniel Jackson. Somewhere in those months, Teal'c's field instinct entwined with Major Carter's. Daniel Jackson was their friend, and their charge to protect. In the years between, Teal'c knows Daniel Jackson has grown into a warrior worthy of great respect. But the instincts remain. Near a half hour passes before the guards release Daniel Jackson from the clamps. Teal'c cannot guess how long his friend suffered alone before his teammates awoke. Daniel Jackson is thrown into the cell like useless trash, the guards keeping pain sticks at the ready for would-be escapers. O'Neill helps Daniel inside, then Teal'c and Carter take their friend's weight as O'Neill shouts to the enemy Jaffa. "Would it kill you to just open the door and let him inside? You think you're gonna learn something more from throwing him back into his cell, you fucking bastards?" Daniel Jackson's glasses are gone, his neck is bleeding where a metal spike has been pushed into his flesh, and his midriff is visibly bruising. Teal'c cradles Daniel Jackson's head and shoulders. Major Carter is giving all her attention to assessing Daniel's injuries, stroking his skin as she examines the wounds. She is caught off guard when two of the Jaffa dive forward and snatch her beneath the arms, dragging her from the cell, before Teal'c can grasp hold of her body. The three men are left with nothing but rage and the vibrations of anger within the walls of the cell. The inevitability of the impending horror silences their tongues. They tend to Daniel Jackson best they can. They listen to her screams. Teal'c tells himself emotion does not help him in the defense of his friends. But he has never seen his Taur'i brothers as he does his brethren Jaffa. They have all fought side by side. But these Taur'i...they took him in when he gave up all that he had. They made him one of their own for reasons that had little to do with his strengths in battle. With these three, he is not the man who served as Apophis's first prime. He is the man who has sacrificed all for his wife and son. O'Neill is third to be interrogated. Teal'c watches O'Neill as Major Carter rests against the back wall, Daniel Jackson at her side. He knows O'Neill is remembering Ba'al. He would give his life to make it stop. Teal'c is the last to be taken. Leaving the cell, he finds more fear in Major Carter's gaze than in his own. He can handle what he is given. He knows he can. He believes what cannot be believed. Teal'c has lost count of the hours by the time he is propelled back into their prison for what he imagines is the night. The clang of the massive iron door behind the torturers pains the ears of all in the chamber as it bounces off stone walls with sick finality. Something in the sound and the still silence that follows tells Teal'c they are deep in the bowels of a massive structure. They may be far below the planet's surface. This is a kind of...dungeon. The silence is alien and cold. ***** Teal'c is loathe to wake again to pain and shared agony. He knows not his role when he can not be the warrior in action. Mere months ago, he lost sight of his own worth, was forced to rebuild his sense of soul as the surrender of his symbiote shook his deepest foundations. His footing is still uncertain in these days of rebirth. He feels he is not doing justice by his friends. The interrogation cycle is repeated. They are each taken in turn. SG-1 learns little of their captors. These Jaffa serve a Goa'uld called Summanus. Daniel Jackson names him as the Roman god of the night sky, of night lightning. But none of SG-1 has knowledge of this Goa'uld. Teal'c can only suspect he is gathering power in this remote place; that he wishes to learn of other Goa'uld, of their armies and positions. To help his future fight for power. But this is all assumption based on knowledge from their past. Daniel's treatment is excessively brutal on this second day. Teal'c suspects the Jaffa have learned of Daniel Jackson's knowledge of Goa'uld history, of the Ancients, of the Goa'uld tongue. There is much they wish to know. Teal'c's training in the service of Apophis never allowed for the techniques he observes in use here. The brutality offends his buried senses. There is art and method to successful interrogation. These Jaffa are primitive in their approach. Daniel Jackson is the last to be returned to his friends before the interrogators leave for the night. His knee is badly injured, and his eye is swelled beyond use. Teal'c offers the torn tail of his shirt to cover the injured eye, to shelter it from the light. There is little to be done to tend one another's wounds in this place. Water is administered in minimal doses, only enough to keep the prisoners alive if they consume it. There is none to spare to clean injuries. SG-1 has been stripped of all supplies. Even their belts are gone. Each of them has ripped every spare liner and edge of their clothing for use as bandages. When the night guards turn their attention to their own conversation, Major Carter tries to offer the elastic of her bra to wrap Daniel's knee. It is the best resource they have left, but Daniel refuses to accept. He knows as well as the others that during her last torture session the Jaffa ripped off her shirt to use the whip on her back but didn't bother to strip her of her bra. Daniel Jackson cannot bear to be the one to steal this last dignity from her. "Daniel, please. You need it to walk," Major Carter says, cheek streaked with blood none of them can any longer identify as her own or his. Her voice is scratchy and dry. Teal'c knows she has always dehydrated faster than the others, but she has never complained. On rare missions, on the hottest of the hot planets, she has accepted a sip of Teal'c's own share of the water when hers ran low. On Netu he was not there to help her. The thought followed him for days after her return. Daniel reaches out a hand, speaking without memory of his pain for a moment. "Sam," he says softly, and he meets her gaze with the nobility of character Teal'c has long admired, "--no." Major Carter holds Daniel's gaze for longer than she should, then swallows hard. Her gaze falls and she nods, matted hair slipping to block her eye. In the end, O'Neill braids three of their remaining bootlaces together to widen their girth and wraps Daniel's knee. Daniel Jackson is breathless and pale, despite the sweat dripping down his face by the time the process is complete. Teal'c helps Major Carter pull their friend to a sitting position, and Daniel leans against Major Carter's chest as O'Neill helps him take his portion of water from the clay bowl. Daniel Jackson lets his friends care for him; he has done the same in turn. "That's good," Major Carter says softly as Daniel downs the last of the water. She strokes Daniel's hair as Teal'c has seen her do with Cassandra. "Now rest. It's what you need to heal." Daniel Jackson settles across her lap, cradled in the curve of her arm, and Teal'c remembers a night on Chulak when Rya'c woke from a terrible nightmare of his friend's death by fire, and Drey'auc soothed him back to sleep in their bed, stroking his hair and murmuring softly in his ear. The memory seems of another life. Major Carter's gaze meets Teal'c's across the cell, and she offers him a ghost of a smile, fingers still working Daniel's hair. Teal'c nods to her, acknowledging volumes in the single gesture. They are connected, their concern for their friend runs deep, they are alive and breathing, and there is a vital kind of hope in that. Circumstances are dire, but they have survived another day. And, step by step, they might keep breathing through the nightmare. Only minutes pass before Daniel Jackson sleeps. Major Carter strokes his hair for far longer, pushing away the demons in his dreams. ***** The others sleep out of necessity as Teal'c keeps silent watch. He will need to rest soon, but for now his strength is sufficient, and his friends require rest. Two of Summanus' guards have remained in the torture chamber, seated side by side on the sole stone benches in the massive room. In the quiet, Teal'c listens to them speak amongst themselves. They seem to forget the prisoners' presence as they talk of a recent encounter with the Jaffa of an opposing Goa'uld. Teal'c does not know of the Goa'uld they name, so gleans little from this exchange, save for a possible sense of the size of Summanus' forces. This information could be useful later. It helps him little now. Teal'c listens more closely when one of the guards chuckles softly and says, "Didn't think we'd see a woman down here anytime soon. Must be a valuable asset, that one." "For certain. Beauty like that would not be wasted otherwise." Teal'c cannot let the opportunity pass. He draws slow, deep breaths of the thick and musty air, calming his mind and remaining as much a part of the wall as he can. He knows a forward question will bring him nothing but taunting and hostility. But he also knows the mind of a loyal Jaffa well enough to work his advantage. "Does your god not know the power of a female warrior?" The guards immediately turn their attention to the cell. "Do you dare speak, prisoner?" the first demands. Teal'c bows his head respectfully, though it makes his guts clench to do so. In the edge of his vision, he sees Major Carter and O'Neill stir in their sleep, believes them to be listening from behind closed eyes. "I merely wish to clarify what you say," he states evenly. "You praise the power of your god, yet you state that he would not be aware of the strategic advantage a female prisoner might bestow." One of the guards rises and approaches the cell, stopping only a few feet from the bars. He regards Teal'c in silence for a long moment before he speaks. "Our god knows the value of a woman," the guard says at last, his tone smug and proud. "He knows the woman's value in his bedchamber," he says with the hint of a smirk, and the guard behind him gives a small chuckle. "Our god takes the most beautiful in this part of the galaxy and keeps them for his own toys. He knows this to be the role best served by a woman. Do you dare argue with the wisdom of Summanus?" Teal'c bows his head again, and gives a single negative motion. "I do not," he says, voice low. When he does not speak further or lift his eyes, the guards turn away and return to their own conversation. SG-1 feigns continued sleep. Teal'c no longer wishes to rest. ***** On the third day, the interrogators' questions turn technological. This appears to be the area in which they lack the most expertise, and the primitive structure of the chamber holds with this assumption. The Jaffa soon determine Major Carter is their greatest source of information. She is treated accordingly. Teal'c is accustomed to being the target of the greatest hatred when the team is captured by enemy Jaffa. He is, after all, the Shol'va. He can use this to lessen the focus upon his friends. But things are different here. Teal'c cannot deny the growing sense of uncertainty in their circumstances. He has never faced a situation quite as this before. The guards ignore the male prisoners on this day. Teal'c and O'Neill and Daniel Jackson sit or stand or close their eyes or kick the wall and grasp the unforgiving bars. They do not meet one another's gazes; Teal'c recognizes the struggle with helplessness in his friends that he feels in himself. He senses the battle between the necessity of rational thought and the rage of frustration. Major Carter endures one brutal session after another with little breath between. They watch. She tells the interrogators nothing. Nothing of value. Major Carter is half-crawling when she reaches the cell door. The guards seem to gain a sordid amusement from allowing her to struggle the few remaining feet toward her makeshift sanctuary. O'Neill catches her around the waist the moment he dares reach for her. The gate clangs closed behind them, and Major Carter sinks to her knees despite O'Neill's death grip around her ribs and Teal'c's hand on her arm. O'Neill eases her to the floor, onto her side. "Major Carter..." She is breathing so raggedly she can barely speak, her skin is bright pink and drenched in sweat. O'Neill has knelt beside her. He is pushing back her hair and seeking her eyes with a deep wrought urgency. "What's bad? Talk to me, Carter. What do you need?" Major Carter squeezes her eyes closed, jaw clenching and unclenching against the pain. She gasps for breath between every word. "Shoulder. Sir. Dislocated. Get it. Back. In." "Oh, Jesus." Daniel Jackson's voice. He is moving his hand over Major Carter's injured shoulder, hovering just above the skin, not touching. His other hand is pressed to her back. "Oh, Sam..." O'Neill springs into action, hearing nothing past Major Carter's words. "We're on it. Teal'c, get her on her back. Daniel, guard her shoulder." Teal'c bends across his friend, feeling the heat waving off her skin. He slips one hand beneath her uninjured shoulder, the other around her opposite hip, and shifts her as gently as he can until she's lying on her back. She cries out with the movement, but makes no gesture to push her friends away. She knows they are doing all they can. "I am sorry, Major Carter," Teal'c says simply, voice low, unable to hold back the words. He knows she doesn't hold him responsible. But he finds it's harder to hurt her than he would have imagined, even when he is certain this is what she needs. O'Neill is crouching at her left side, cautiously laying her upper arm close to her body, aligning the angle of the joints. "Teal'c, I'm going to need you to brace her," he says, not lifting his gaze from his own task. "As still and straight as you can. Daniel, help him." "How?" O'Neill's voice is calm against Daniel Jackson's note of hysteria. Teal'c is accustomed to the balance amongst his friends. The rhythm of the team is as natural as breath. "Get above her head, Daniel. One hand under her chin to keep her neck straight, one hand under her back, grab her ribs on this side to pull directly back against me. Watch for broken ones." Major Carter releases a soft whimper. "And you're going to--" "I'm gonna pull, Daniel. Down and out. Really hard, and really fast. Get this shoulder back in the socket." "Okay." "Do it..." Major Carter's voice is hoarse and dry and just a little desperate. It's hard to tell the sweat on her face from the tears leaking from the corners of her eyes. "Stay with me, Carter, we're almost there." O'Neill is deep in concentration finding his own best position, laying Major Carter's arm to best advantage. In the end, he tries a boot against Teal'c's arm as the Jaffa settles his weight over his injured teammate. "Can you take that, Big Guy?" O'Neill asks, glancing toward his own foot. Teal'c takes a moment to brace his foot against the corner of the cell, then nods somberly. "I can, O'Neill." "All right." Teal'c dips his head to shelter Major Carter, though he knows this will not lessen her pain. "On three." "One." Teal'c's face is so near Major Carter's, he can feel her ragged breath on his skin. Her chest is shaking beneath his own with every rise and fall of breath. "Two." "Please...please, please..." Her whisper is so soft, he knows he is the only one to hear. "It's all right, Sam, it's all right," Daniel is repeating, "hold on." Every inch of her body tenses beneath his. "THREE!" Her screams rip across his ear drum, but he does not pull away. He gives her all the weight and solidity he has to offer. It takes two tries and too much pulling, but at last he feels the jolt ricochet through her body when the joint snaps into place. For several seconds, none of them does anything but breathe. The very air seems to quiver in the aftermath. They have formed a sort of human shelter over and around her. Then, finally, out of the cacophony of breath, Major Carter whispers, "I hate...all of you." Half a beat passes in silence, then O'Neill begins to laugh. It's a breathless and half-hearted sound, but there's relief and genuine happiness buried somewhere there. Teal'c eases his weight back from Major Carter. Daniel has tear streaks on his own cheeks, and he swipes at them with his sleeve, smearing grime from the floor across his skin. He is hiding something almost like a smile. "We love you, too, Sam," he says, his exhaled breath something like a laugh. Teal'c sits back on his heel as O'Neill sidles up closer to Carter and cups his hand to her cheek. His friend catches Major Carter's gaze and holds it, no doubt grateful when she is able to do the same. "Nice job, Major. You did good." Major Carter closes her eyes a moment, swallows hard. "Thank you, sir." She's still shaking, the pain must be near unbearable. There is much left to be done, but little with which to do it. ***** Exhaustion should have claimed her long ago. But her eyes are still half open, her body tense against the cold floor, and this tells him the depth of her pain. Teal'c watches O'Neill watching Major Carter and sees the same thoughts reflected in his friend's shuttered gaze. O'Neill is not a man to easily reveal the deeper emotions in his life. His expressions are subtle and minimal, almost Jaffa in nature. This is something Teal'c has always related to in O'Neill, something he understands. He knows his Taur'i brother well. The slightest shift in his eyes, the tension in the sculptured planes of his cheeks, the staggered rhythm of his breath; all these scream louder than words. And Teal'c remembers this man strapped to a Tok'ra device, defenses torn and tattered, revealing his greatest weakness to all present; revealing his greatest fear. The same emotions wave off O'Neill now as he sits quietly against the cell bars, eyes deep and brow tense as he gazes upon Major Carter. Minutes pass before O'Neill rises awkwardly to his feet. His pain is far less than Major Carter's, but his knees have suffered serious strain. Daniel Jackson does not stir, his breathing even and deep. Major Carter lifts her eyes drowsily as O'Neill approaches. He doesn't speak, but lowers himself to the floor beside her. O'Neill stretches out an arm, gently leads Major Carter to place her head in the crook of his shoulder. Teal'c is barely privy to the whispered words, "It's cold," and he thinks of Antarctica, and wonders if this moment means something to his friends he cannot understand. After a beat of hesitation, Major Carter warms to O'Neill's touch. She nestles in against him, her manner one Teal'c has rarely seen and it pains him to glimpse it now, here in this place of hatred and cold. O'Neill's hold is steadfast and strong. Her eyes fall closed for the first time in too long, and Teal'c is deeply grateful for this small reprieve. He hears the slight dampness in Carter's sniff and gentle breath; he knows pure willpower keeps her tears at bay. He thinks O'Neill presses his lips to Major Carter's forehead, and he knows he hears the words, "We're gonna go home, Carter." ***** They wake to O'Neill's shouts. The cell is flooded with amber light and rough hands are dragging O'Neill from their company. Major Carter is on her feet and moving after him, still entangled from the place she had slept. The cuts and contusions on her face and throat are far more shocking this morning than the night before. Teal'c feels the blow upon his own skin as a Jaffa strikes Major Carter hard with the back of his hand to keep her away from the door. She hits her knees, pushes back up to her feet as Teal'c is grasping at the closing cell door. He moves to help Major Carter as she staggers, but Daniel Jackson is catching her and pulling her back from danger. "Sam, you're not helping anyone if they hit you with the pain stick." Teal'c hates the desperation in her eyes. He has seen too much suffering in this life. His own eyes move to O'Neill, and his guts ache as he watches the enemy Jaffa once again hang his friend by the wrists. ***** "I have four days supply of Tretonin," Teal'c states simply as they sit in the night stillness of the cell. The vial in the inner lining of his trousers was not taken from him. These Jaffa are far more careless than he would have been in the same role. He would have punished those in his command severely for such an oversight. "Six," O'Neill corrects. Teal'c frowns. "I do not understand, O'Neill." O'Neill gestures toward his own leg. "Got some in my boot." Teal'c is caught unprepared. He has no words to offer. He waits for O'Neill to meet his gaze, and when he does, O'Neill shrugs. Teal'c is offering a nod of deepest gratitude, when Daniel Jackson says, "Eight, actually." And Teal'c turns sharply to face him. Daniel Jackson offers a small smile and adds, "They didn't search my boot, either." Teal'c's brow tightens in concert with his chest as he soaks in the scope of the knowledge lain before him. "Ten," Major Carter says. She is shifting position slightly. She tugs the tail of her shirt higher, reaches beneath the cloth, moving ever so cautiously to protect her shoulder, and she appears to use her nail to pop several stitches. She holds out a small vial to him. "Sewn in the lining," she offers. Teal'c hesitates a moment, then he holds out his hand, so massive and dark beside the pale delicacy of her fingers, and she lays the tiny treasure in his palm. He meets her gaze in the silence, looks to each of his friends in turn. "How long have you done this?" O'Neill shrugged. "Few months. Wanted to make sure this whole Tretonin thing worked out for you. Only made sense." Teal'c nods quietly. A part of him hates this moment of vulnerability, hates that his friends see this weakness in him so vividly as to prepare for it in kind. Another part of him feels he has received the greatest honor a man can know. "Thank you," is all he can say. He hopes they understand. ***** Each prisoner is taken for one more interrogation. Daniel Jackson is the last. Their injuries are not as severe this time as in the days before. But their strength and resilience have declined with pain and lack of water and sustenance. The torturers do not look back as they leave their prisoners for the night. SG-1 is left alone in the silence of the chamber. The four of them sit closer together than the space allowed would dictate. They have always done so. "So...that new Tomb Raider movie should be out by now," O'Neill says softly. "What do you say we all go see it as soon as we get home. I'll even spring for dinner at O'Malley's, provided Teal'c only eats one meal's worth." Teal'c raises an eyebrow, but O'Neill never looks his way. Major Carter smiles softly. She's cradling her injured arm across her stomach. "That actually sounds really nice, sir." O'Neill's lips quirk in a hint of a grin. "I thought you hated the first one." She nods and says simply, "I did." "Yeah, I could go for that," Daniel Jackson says, and Major Carter's eyes smile his way for a moment. "Always good to make fun of the archaeology errors. You know, provided you spring for popcorn, as well," he adds. O'Neill points a finger in Daniel's direction. "Hey! I said I was paying for dinner, not the movie." "I will purchase your popcorn, Daniel Jackson," Teal'c states matter-of-factly, and Daniel responds with a warm smile. Daniel Jackson licks at his dry lips. "Thanks, Teal'c." "I'll buy you Gummy Bears," Major Carter says to Teal'c, a sweetness in her voice that belies their bleak surroundings and the pain in her eyes. Teal'c nods, acknowledging her generous offer, and her awareness of his favorite Taur'i confection. "I want Gummy Bears," Daniel Jackson says dejectedly, frowning. And Major Carter brushes at his leg with the back of her good hand. "What are you, twelve?" O'Neill says sharply. But none of them has a chance to reply as the great iron door swings open with a deafening crash. Three Jaffa guards they have seen once or twice in the nightly rotations approach the cell with a purposeful gate. "Oh, what now..." O'Neill says dryly. Teal'c is the first on his feet as the others instinctively gather themselves to more defensible postures. The metal key is turned in the cell door, and a staff weapon is trained upon them by the third guard as the first two pass into the cell. "Come on, guys, haven't we had enough fun for today," O'Neill continues, hands outstretched as he places himself between his team and the guards. Teal'c moves shoulder to shoulder with O'Neill. The guards ignore O'Neill's words and the position of Major Carter's defenders, as they grasp her beneath the arms and yank her to her feet, propelling her toward the door. She hisses in pain at the strain on her shoulder. "Oh, no way," O'Neill protests, "she's done her round for today, can't you...." But they are closing the cell door, and the lead guard says coldly. "Summanus has personally requested the prisoner." "*What?* No, you tell Summanus he wants me! I'm the one kicking Goa'uld ass around the galaxy, he should be asking for tips from me!" Teal'c moves to the bars, the quivering in his gut no longer the actions of an alien entity, but of something far deeper. Major Carter's gaze meets O'Neill's as she staggers, side stepping as the guards pull roughly at her arm. "I won't tell him anything, sir. I won't." "Carter, I know, you don't have to--" The second guard is laughing over their words, "Summanus does not wish information. He has learned all he can from the lot of you. You three will start as slave labor at first light. The woman, he wants for himself." Realization burns Teal'c's lungs and his fingers tighten on the bars. "Oh, Christ..." the words are Daniel's and he sounds ill. "Carter!" Major Carter looks over her shoulder, responding on instinct to her CO's voice, and for the briefest moment Teal'c cannot see the formidable warrior he knows, only the deeply frightened and vulnerable woman. "Sir?" she says softly. And the sound breaks his heart. O'Neill is clinging to the cell bars and shouting after her as the guards shove their charge toward the iron door. "Carter, we're gonna come for you!" "Major Carter." Desperation sizzles like an electric current. Powerlessness is the sole thing Teal'c cannot bear. It is all that the rebel Jaffa despise. He has learned to suffer his own torture in this life. He has never grown accustomed to watching his friends suffer the same. "Sam!!" Daniel shouts. "Carter, we won't leave you! We'll come for you. You won't be there long, you won't. We'll find a way, we'll come for you!" "Major Carter, we will not let him hold you. I swear on my honor." His thighs tremble. Daniel Jackson shakes at the bars. "Let her go. How can you do this to her? She's done nothing to you! Sam--" A flash of blood streaked blond hair and wide blue eyes. "Carter, we're coming. We're comi--!" *CLANG.* ***** rowan_d1@yahoo.com