DISCLAIMER: Yeah, the SG-1 guys are all property of MGM, World Gekko Corp and Double Secret productions. This is all in fun, no infringement on copyrights or trademarks was intended. All other characters, ideas, etc., herein are copyrighted to the author. TITLE: TIME BLUR AUTHOR: Rowan Darkstar EMAIL: rowan_d1@yahoo.com RATING: Teen CATEGORIES: Angst, a hint of implied S/J ARCHIVE: Yes, just let me know. Written for the GateShip Wednesday Shorts "The Enemy Within" Challenge. 150 words "Time Blur" by Rowan Darkstar (rowan_d1@yahoo.com) Copyright (c) 2005 He had seen one of his own in jeopardy so many times he had lost count. The moments turned his stomach; that was a given in his life. But somehow...this was different. Blue eyes wide. Focused, clear, and scared as hell. The arms binding her should have meant safety and security; friendship. Wrong. This was all wrong. Nothing he could do. The fucking elevator doors were closing and she was on her own to fight for her life. He lost sense of time. Perception wove in and out of the present. He had known her for a decade. He had known her for days. Sam Carter was everything. Sam Carter was someone he had just met. A member of his family was slipping away. Just another airman under his command. Pale blue eyes calling, "Please, sir," and he couldn't shake the feeling they had a million miles to go. Together. ***** rowan_d1@yahoo.com